The current research suggests that there is a direct link between our physical well- being and our mental or emotional state. This state can be positively affected by massage therapy. Research also supports the use of massage therapy as an effective approach in injury management and rehabilitation as well as part of a preventative care program. Massage today is not just to relieve stress, headaches and reduce pain. It can also help increase range of motion within the joint, move fluids in the body, release restrictions/tensions, returning the body to a more natural posture. It can also help detoxify the body and help to reduce the need for medication such as pain meds and anti-depressants. I encourage all of you to take a more natural holistic approach to your healthcare. A good therapeutic sports massage can realign muscle fibers, eliminating knots/adhesions in the fascia, allowing muscles and tendons to fully lengthen. Therefore, allowing for proper blood, lymph and energy to circulate and flow freely within the muscles and body. Massage is also beneficial before and after surgery and air travel. Try it today if you have not already. Think of massage as a tool to helping you boost your athletic performance and endurance while maintaining excellent physical condition. Massage therapy is a great complimentary treatment along with cupping and physiotherapy.
Cathy Kemp – Professional RMT – Ascent Physical Therapy Canmore